Classroom Procedures
- Each morning students enter the classroom quietly, unload book bags, and begin morning routine.
- Morning Routine- students make their lunch choices, have assignment book open for parent-signature verification, and begin morning math. During this time I will be taking attendance, checking assignment books, and addressing any individual questions.
- Quiet Signal- to get class attention during group work or conversational activities, I will use a quiet signal that the class will decide on during the first few days of school. As soon as the students hear our quiet signal, they are to FREEZE and remain quiet in order to listen to additional instruction.
- Responsibilities- Students will be responsible for cleaning their “space” and our classroom. At the end of each day, we will have a daily clean-up, where students will share responsibilities with their teams.
- PLEASE mail party invitations or use phone calls outside of school unless all the boys and/or girls in the class are invited. This will save hurt feelings and misunderstandings.
- If students need to discuss a problem with me, I ask them to say, “Mrs. White, I need to speak with you privately.” This is our signal that we need to deal with an issue. Public, verbal tattling is inappropriate, and I will handle any such “challenges” privately.
- We encourage and model mutual respect and positive social skills in our classroom. Our gentlemen allow our ladies to enter the classroom first, and we strive to respectfully “check” our attitude, tone of voice, and listening/speaking skills with one another.