No amount of training or schooling can ever truly prepare you for the first day and first week of school. The time is spent going over procedures, as specific as this is how we get out of our chairs to line up at the door. Needless to say, I spent what seems like the entire week TALKING! As tiring as it may be, it is very necessary. Until procedures are in place, learning cannot take place.
I am so looking forward to Monday, when I will be able to see the fruits of my labor from this first week. I LOVE teaching (procedures were TAUGHT as well, but it's nothing like teaching a great reading lesson!) and that is exactly what will be happening starting Monday. We will be diving in head first to the 3rd grade curriculum and I know that the students as well as myself are looking forward to a normal routine where reading is taught during reading time, writing during writing time and so on.
The following are the objectives for next week:
**Click on the subject for a review link
Reading/SSR- making text to self connections, how to partner read, story elements: characters, setting, problem
Writing- The Editor's Checklist: formatting, capitalization, ending punctuation, misspelled words
Math- addition review: 2 and 3 digits, subtraction review: facts, 2 digit with regrouping
Working with Words- cheering words, using words in context, identifying vowels and consonants
Science- parts of a plant
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